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Gilda's Presentation Skills Coaching Case Studies

Private banker learns how to prepare and organize her material and improves the conversion of prospects into clients


Background: A private banker for a large investment firm felt like she was rambling and boring when she had to talk about herself in meetings with potential clients and explain how the firm’s products and services could help them build and preserve their wealth.

Coaching: During a few in-person coaching sessions, we discussed what was unique about her.  Together we developed the three key elements of her story: her many years of experience, her focus on customer service and the fact that the firm’s leaders respected her skills enough to invite her to be a wealth manager.  We practiced so she could share her story with confidence in a short amount of time and without rambling.

Results: Within a few weeks, she reported that planning and organizing what she wanted to say had boosted her confidence.  She could see her clients’ eyes light up when she hit her three points because they understood and connected with what she was saying.  As a result, she was more effective at converting prospects into clients and developing relationships with current clients.



Account executive learns how to slow down and sound energized over the phone and gets promoted to manager

Background: An account executive at a fast growing B2B firm sounded rushed and mumbling when making cold calls to potential clients and leaving voicemails for them. His goal was to get more in-person sales meetings so he could get new business and meet his sales targets.

Coaching: I listened in on his phone calls and voicemails and we did several practice recordings.  In order for him to sound more animated, energetic and enthusiastic, he practiced varying his voice’s pitch, tone, pace and volume, when/how to breathe and pause and his articulation of words.  We developed three call templates (one for each kind of potential customer) and he recorded himself using the templates on live calls, comparing the "before" calls to the "after" calls and noting the improvement in energy, articulation and pace. 

Results: After a few coaching sessions, he slowed down from an average 15-20 seconds per voicemail to 45 seconds. He was able to reach his target of 40 sales calls per quarter, improving his pipeline and achieving 75% of his annual quota in just 6 months. He was promoted to Manager and ultimately to Director of Sale Operations. 



Consultant and author improves his presentation skills to better engage the audience on his book tour and during workshops to promote his business

Background: A consultant and author who markets consulting, coaching and workshops to equity research analysts wanted to become more comfortable speaking on his book tour and to promote his services.

Coaching: He sent me the video of an educational workshop he presented to potential clients. Over the phone, we discussed how he could improve, referring to specific moments in the video that we were both watching.

He changed how he explained his background so he could better leverage his Wall Street experience.  I suggested strategies such as  using a remote to advance the slides so he could get out from behind the lectern and connect to the audience.  We redesigned the exercise he used during the workshop to clarify the goals and directions.


Results: Implementing the changes I recommended, he became more confident and more successful at using speaking opportunities to communicate his expertise and sell his consulting, coaching and workshops.

*In some cases, identifying details have been changed to protect client privacy

Next Steps

Learn more about how Gilda's coaching can help you reach your goals - email Gilda today or call 203-979-5117. 

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