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  • Imagine communicating and having people listen to you, understand your message and remember you
  • Imagine making a presentation and not worrying that you are boring and confusing your audience
  • Imagine walking into a room and having the ability to communicate your strategic vision, ideas and expertise to others
Gilda’s customized, one-on-one executive communication skills coaching (in-person or virtually) can help you achieve those results.

Learn how to:

  • Demonstrate executive presence

  • Demonstrate your expertise & establish credibility

  • Create and customize a strategic message

  • Speak with confidence

  • Communicate your strategy and vision

  • Engage your audience

  • Use non-verbal communications (body language)  to strengthen your message

  • Polish your delivery

  • Handle Q&A without getting flustered or going off-track

  • Speak extemporaneously

  • Stop “winging it” your communication

  • Take your skills to the next level

Executive Communication & Presentation Skills Coaching

Why work with Gilda as your coach?
  • Based on Experience: Gilda has worked globally with clients from a variety of backgrounds, industries and organizations, including Wells Fargo, Expedia, IBM and Assa Abloy

  • Customized for You: tailored around your strengths, your organization’s communication culture, your audience’s needs/ preferences and the communication medium

  • Focused on Today’s Business Realities: which require communication in both in-person and virtual environments (Gilda’s own YouTube videos have received over 1 million views) 

  • Constructive Feedback: concrete and actionable so you accelerate your development and improve faster

  • Supportive Environment: in which you can learn, practice and step out of your comfort zone, which is easier than working in isolation

  • Practical Tools: that yield results instead of theoretical ideas that you have to figure out how to implement

  • Proven Process: for deliberate practice and preparation instead of taking random steps and hoping you’re successful

  • Presentations from A to Z: covering everything from communication strategy and content to delivery for client presentations, board meetings, governmental hearings, press conferences, organizational town halls, etc.  

Who can benefit from Gilda's Communication & Presentation Skills Coaching?
  • Successful professionals who wants to take their communication and presentations from good to great, including entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals and executives in a variety of industries in corporate, non-profit, academia and government.


Gilda has an established track record of one-on-one coaching partnerships with employees at all levels of an organization to help them communicate more effectively and create and deliver more powerful and engaging presentations so they get results.

Read Coaching Case Studies to understand how Gilda helps her clients with customized, individual coaching. 

See what Gilda's clients have said about the benefits of working with her

Learn more about how Gilda's coaching can help you reach your goals - email Gilda today or call 203-979-5117.

Find out about Gilda's Training & Workshops and Keynote Speeches. 

Executive Communication & Presentation Skills Coaching
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